Telecom service provider Bharti Airtel has launched its 5G Plus services in four more cities of Jammu & Kashmir, including Katra, Anantnag, Baramulla, and Rajouri. The Airtel 5G Plus services are already available in Jammu, Srinagar, Samba, Kathua, Udhampur, Akhnoor, Kupwara, Lakhanpur, and Khour. According to the company, the 5G services would be available to customers in a phased manner as it continues to construct its network and complete the rollout. Airtel has also announced that it surpassed 10 million unique customers on its 5G network.
“Connectivity to our customers in the Valley is in line with our commitment to bridge the digital divide and connect communities who need it the most. I am thrilled to announce the launch of Airtel 5G Plus in Katra, Anantnag, Baramulla & Rajouri in addition to Jammu, Srinagar, Samba, Kathua, Udhampur, Akhnoor, Kupwara, Lakhanpur & Khour,” said Adarsh Verma, COO of Bharti Airtel, Jammu, Kashmir & Ladakh.
“Customers in these thirteen cities can now experience ultrafast network and enjoy speeds up to 20-30 times faster than the current 4G speeds. We are in the process of lighting up all the cities, which will allow customers to enjoy superfast access to High-definition video streaming, gaming, multiple chatting, instant uploading of photos, and more,” he added.
The company has also announced that it crossed 10 million unique 5G users on its network. Further, the telco claims that it became the first and only operator to have 1 million users on its network within 30 days of the commercial launch of the Airtel 5G Plus services. To recall, Airtel was the first telecom provider in India to launch 5G services in October 2022.
“These are early days, but we are thrilled with the response we have received from our customers. Airtel will continue to stay true to its commitment to build a more connected, equitable, and sustainable network. With cutting-edge 5G infrastructure, a fantastic partner ecosystem, and a dedicated workforce that is customer obsessed, we believe we are in the right path to win and deliver a world-class 5G Plus experience to customers across the length and breadth of the country,” said Randeep Sekhon, CTO, Bharti Airtel.
Customers with 5G devices can avail of the high-speed Airtel 5G Plus network on their existing data plans at no additional cost until the rollout is complete. Airtel 5G Plus services promise to offer massive speeds over 4G technology along with the best voice experience. Airtel plans to expand its 5G services across every town and key rural area in India by the end of March 2024.
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