It is imported phone.
It is having CDMA and GSM togather with both sim data working.
I am using MTS CDMA sim. The data pack is very cheap Rs 155 only for a month. Unlimited 3g internet.
Mine first android phone was karbonn a1+earlier was using Note2N7100:tup
persently i hve normal feature phone:-/nd my lappy
nd planing to purchase new one:k
Suggest gud one guyz
MTS CDMA speed at 3X upto 1Gb there after unlimited on 1X Speed. 3X speed upto 3MBPS and 1X speed upto 512kbps. This 1X speed is far better than GPRS 2G speed.
Overall it is unlimited and enjoyble whole month. Im using it since 1.5 years.