Tata Docomo, GSM arm of Tata Teleservices, has introduced three postpaid tariffs to offer free incoming while roaming outside home network. Postpaid Plans Roam Free 299, Roam Free 499 and Roam Free 799 come with attractive per second pulse and offer free incoming while roaming on Tata Docomo network across the country. Tata Docomo postpaid customers also get to customize their plan with different ‘toppings’ which are basically free local ,STD,SMS and data. These toppings are 200 local minutes, 150 STD minutes, 500 local SMSs or 100 MB 2G data.Roam Free 299 offers 4 toppings while Roam Free 499 comes with 7 and Roam Free 799 gives as many as 12 toppings. Tata Docomo is aggresively promoting free roaming feature with its latest advertisement campaign ‘ Keep it Simple’ starring bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor.
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