In few mobiles if we reset then it erases all data and installed aps other than factory apps and the version remains the latest updated version...In Android TV it goes to factory version..
No, it talked through Netflix Chat service and they said it's a issue with OnePlus 7 not releasing patch updates itself. They can't do anything about it.
Well the only solution to this problem is to download a clone app and run Netflix in that app. The only downside is that you can't download and/or app might be slow depending on the clone app you use.
Well the only solution to this problem is to download a clone app and run Netflix in that app. The only downside is that you can't download and/or app might be slow depending on the clone app you use.
Well here a guess..
Uninstall the app downloaded from Google play store..Clear the cache from mobile...Download a older version from third party sites like apkpure ..
Try this..It may work...
New Fast Laughs tab added. It is similar to the stories-like feature that got removed. It has short clips from Sitcoms and Stand-Up specials. You need to swipe down to see more clips, just like TikTok, Reels and YouTube Shorts.