"East Asian TV Shows" is not new. "Opposite Attracts" isn't either.
Actually the categories differ from user to user. If you watch a K-Drama, then many K-Drama related categories will show up. You also get categories with similar type of storyline. Like "Opposite Attracts". If you watch an Anime, then categories related to Anime will show up.
At Netflix, we are passionate about delivering great audio to our members. We began streaming 5.1 channel surround sound in 2010, Dolby Atmos in 2017, and adaptive bitrate audio in 2019. Continuing in this tradition, we are proud to announce that Netflix now streams Extended HE-AAC with MPEG-D DRC (xHE-AAC) to compatible Android Mobile devices (Android 9 and newer). With its capability to improve intelligibility in noisy environments, adapt to variable cellular connections, and scale to studio-quality, xHE-AAC will be a sonic delight to members who stream on these devices.