Facebook has been mapping fans of the eight teams playing in the Indian Premier League (IPL), which shows the most-liked teams on Facebook across all of India’s states and districts. Led by Mahendra Singh Dhoni, the Chennai Super Kings (CSK) are the kings of IPL when it comes to their Facebook likes.
The map shows that every team is the most supported team in their home states. In states that do not have a team, CSK dominates.
Interestingly, more people in Delhi like the CSK team than their home team. In fact, the Delhi Daredevils do not have a plurality of fans in an Indian district. And in Gurgaon, Mumbai Indians are the most popular among Facebook fans.
The map shows that every team is the most supported team in their home states. In states that do not have a team, CSK dominates.
Interestingly, more people in Delhi like the CSK team than their home team. In fact, the Delhi Daredevils do not have a plurality of fans in an Indian district. And in Gurgaon, Mumbai Indians are the most popular among Facebook fans.