Lukup Media has launched India’s first on demand TV service powered by its connected Lukup Player.
The Lukup TV service aims to deliver a large number of TV channels in addition to those available on cable and DTH platforms.
These additional TV channels will have content from multiple genres including movies, shows, lifestyle and sports.
Using the Lukup Player, users will also be able to stream content on more than one screen or device – TV screens, tablets, mobile phones, wireless speakers – at any one time.
The service includes unlimited
recording capacity starting from 500 GB which can be upgraded without limit. Users can also download content on their mobile
devices which they can access offline.
With no minimum monthly subscription charges, users can pay per view.
The Lukup TV service is available in Bengaluru now and will be available across India in phases.
The Lukup Player will be online and in retail stores from October,