Discussion Your daily dose of Technology

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A gentle reminder before the thread goes haywire. Please post variety of interesting information rather than just a series of YouTube videos. And when sharing news/post/videos from any social sites, make sure they are from official/verified/reputed accounts. Don't share anything from any unknown individual accounts. Thank you.
Watched this yesterday. Really interesting & very scary as well. Everyone should watch it ones. I wanted to share it with you guys, but didn't know which Thread to share it in.

How Technology might be about to kill us

A lot of phones nowadays are lacking a microSD card slot. Although many people find expandable storage useful, some OEMs neglect to include the feature because it takes up precious space that could be filled by “more important” components. Xiaomi, though, might have a solution for this.

Every smartphone is going to need a SIM card slot, so why not have a SIM card that is also a microSD card? That way you don’t need a separate microSD card slot taking up that extra space in your phone.

Xiaomi could release a SIM card that's also a microSD card, which is brilliant
Japan has a smartphone now that doesn't let's you take in-apprortiate photos.

Japanese Smartphone Protects Underage Users From Being Coerced Into Sending Naked Photos - VICE
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