WWE ROADBLOCK 2016 - Results — Is There a New WWE World Champion?

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19 Aug 2014
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The New Day vs The League of Nations (King Barrett and Sheamus) for the WWE Tag Team Titles:

Kofi and Sheamus starts off the match. Kofi with a waist lock to Sheamus. Sheamus with a armdrag to Kofi. Kofi slaps Sheamus in the back of the head. The New Day begins to dance. Sheamus attacks Kofi from behind. Sheamus with a uppercu to Kofi. Sheamus tags in Barrett. League of Nations with a double team back elbow to Kofi for a one count. Barrett stomps on Kofi’s chest in the corner. Kofi with a series of right hands to Barrett. Kofi with a jawbreaker and tags in Big E. Big E with a back breaker to Barrett. The New Day begins the Unicorn Stampede. Kofi with a flying dropkick to Barrett. Sheamus distracts Kofi from the ring apron. Barrett with the Winds of Change to Kofi. Barrett with the ground and pound attack. Barrett tags in Sheamus. Sheamus with the Irish Curse Back Breaker to Kofi and tags in Barrett.

Barrett with knees to the chest of Kofi and tags Sheamus back in. Sheamus with clubbing blows to Kofi’ chest. Sheamus with a flying shoulder tackle for a two count. Sheamus tags in Barrett. Barrett applies a chin lock. Barrett with a big boot to the midsection of Kofi for a two count and tags in Sheamus. Sheamus ascends to the top rope. Kofi with a dropkick to Sheamus as he dives off the top rope. Barrett and Big E are tagged in. Big E with three belly to belly suplex’s to Barrett. Big E with a running splash to Barrett. Big E knocks Sheamus off the ring apron. Barrett with a knee to Big E’s face. Barrett with the Tornado Snap Suplex for a two count. Kofi and Sheamus are tagged in.

Kofi with a flying crossbody to Sheamus for a two count. Sheamus with a shoulder and a knee to the mid section of Kofi. Kofi goes for the Trouble to Paradise, but Sheamus gets Kofi trapped in the Cloverleaf Submission Hold. Barrett knocks Big E off the ring apron. Big E sends Barrett face first to the steel ring post. Kofi with the SOS to Sheamus. Kofi tags in Big E. Big E goes for the Big Ending, but Sheamus irish whips him to the corner and it sends Kofi to the outside. Sheamus with a body slam to Kofi. Sheamus tags in Barrett. Barrett with a superkick to Big E. Barrett goes for the pin, but Xavier Woods hops on the ring apron to cause the distraction. Sheamus chases Woods around the ring. Kofi plants Sheamus with a Tornado DDT off the steel ring steps. Big E with the Big Ending to Barrett to pickup the victory.

Winners: The New Day

Chris Jericho vs Jack Swagger

Swagger with right hands to Jericho. Jericho rolls out of the ring. Swagger chases Jericho around the ring. Swagger with a back elbow. Swagger lands ten punches to Jericho in the corner. Jericho with a double axe handle to the back of Swagger’s head. Jericho chops Swagger in the chest. Jericho connects with a head butt and multiple stomps on Swagger’s chest in the corner. Jericho with a baseball slide dropkick that sends Swagger to the outside. Jericho drives Swagger shoulder first to the barricade. Jericho rolls Swagger back into the ring. Jericho with a kick to the ribs of Swagger for a two count. Jericho applies a chin lock. Swagger with right hands to the ribs of Jericho. Jericho with a beautiful dropkick for a two count.

Jericho lightly kicks Swagger in the head. Swagger with a back elbow to Jericho. Jericho goes for a running bulldog, but Swagger sends Jericho to the corner. Swagger with multiple running clotheslines. Swagger goes for the Swagger Bomb, but Jericho counters with a knee to the face. Jericho connects with the running bulldog. Jericho goes for the Lion Sault, but Swagger rolls out of the way. Swagger with the Swagger Bomb to Jericho for a two count. Jericho with a boot to Swagger’s face. Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho, but Swagger counters with the Patriot Lock. Jericho with a enziguri to Swagger. Jericho sets up for the Codebreaker, but Swagger counters with the Gutwrench Powerbomb for a two count. Swagger gets Jericho in the Patriot Lock again. Jericho holds onto the referee’s pants to break the submission hold. Jericho with a side step and gets Swagger in the Walls of Jericho to pickup the victory.

Winner via submission: Chris Jericho

Third Match: The Revival (c) vs. Enzo Amore & Colin Cassidy w/Carmella for the WWE NXT Tag Team Championship

Enzo and Wilder starts off the match. Wilder attacks Cassidy. Enzo connects with hurricanrana. Enzo with a dropkick that sends Dawson to the outside. Enzo tags in Cassidy. Cassidy with a big right hand to the ribs of Wilder. Cassidy connects with the side walk slam for a two count. Cassidy with a armbar. Wilder reaches for the tag, but the official doesn’t see the tag. Cassidy with a big back body drop. Cassidy with a right hand to the midsection of Dawson. Enzo and Cass begin to double team The Revival. Cassidy with a clothesline that sends Dawson to the outside. Cassidy launches Enzo in the air onto The Revival on the outside. Enzo rolls Wilder into the ring. Wilder tags in Dawson. Wilder sends Enzo shoulder first to the steel ring post. Dawson with rapid fire right hands to the shoulder of Enzo. Dawson tags in Wilder. Wilder with a forearm to Enzo for a two count. Wilder tags Dawson back in.

Dawson with boots to the shoulder of Enzo. Dawson continues to work on the left shoulder of Enzo. Enzo tries to escapes the hold, but Dawson brings Enzo to the corner. Dawson tags in Wilder. Wilder with a running knee to the gut of Enzo. Enzo tries to outsmart the revival, but Dawson with a flying shoulder tackle that sends Enzo to the outside. Dawson places Enzo upside down in the corner. Dawson charges towards Enzo, but he goes shoulder first to the steel ring post. Cassidy and Wilder are tagged in. Cassidy with a body slam and a empire elbow. Cassidy with sends Dawson to the outside. Wilder with a roll up for a two count. Cassidy with boots to Dawson and Wilder. Cassidy with the East River Crossing. Cassidy sets up for the Rocket Launcher, but Dawson knocks Enzo off the top turnbuckle. The Revival with the Shatter Machine to Cassidy on the outside. Enzo with a flying DDT to Wilder. Enzo rolls Dawson for a two count. Enzo with a boot to Dawson. Dawson tags in Wilder. The Revival with the Shatter Machine to Enzo to pickup the victory.

Winner: Still WWE NXT Tag Team Champions The Revival

Fourth Match: Charlotte (c) w/Ric Flair vs. Natalya for the WWE Divas Championship

Natalya with a side headlock. Charlotte gets Natalya in a standing switch. Charlotte with a leg scissors hold. Charlotte continues to work Natalya’s leg with a half crab. Charlotte chops Natalya in the chest. Natalya with a chop of her own. Natalya with a surfboard submission hold. Natalya with a running dropkick to Charlotte. Natalya goes for the Sharpshooter, but Charlotte rolls to the outside. Natalya with a baseball slide. Natalya rolls Charlotte back into the ring. Natalya holds onto Charlotte’s hair. Charlotte sends Natalya back first to the mat at ringside. Charlotte rolls Natalya back into the ring.Charlotte stomps on Natalya’s chest. Charlotte goes for a pin and Natalya kicks out a two. Charlotte applies the head scissors and drives Natalya’s face to the mat. Charlotte with the head scissors roll through for a two count. Natalya rolls Charlotte up for a two count. Charlotte connects with a clothesline. Natalya with a back elbow. Natalya goes for a spinning discus clothesline, but Charlotte counters with a neck breaker for a two count. Charlotte with a knee to the back of Natalya’s knee. Charlotte goes for the Figure Eight, but Natalya rolls her up for a two count. Charlotte sends Natalya face first to the top turnbuckle.

Charlotte with a chop block. Charlotte whips Natalya leg to the steel ring post. Natalya with a boot to Charlotte’s face. Charlotte and Natalya exchange back and forth chops. Natalya with the side russian leg sweep. Natalya with the spinning discus clothesline for a two count. Natalya goes for the Sharp Shooter, but Charlotte escapes the hold. Charlotte with a spear. Charlotte gets Natalya in the Figure Eight, but Natalya doesn’t tap. Charlotte with the Natural Selection to Natalya for a two count. Charlotte goes for the pin again and Natalya kicks out at two. Charlotte with a exploder suplex to Natalya. Charlotte climbs the top rope, but Natalya connects with a sitout powerbomb for a two count. Natalya goes for the Sharp Shooter, but Charlotte counters with the small package for a two count. Natalya gets Charlotte back into the Sharp Shooter, but Ric Flair hops on the ring apron to cause the distraction. Natalya goes to swing at Ric, but Charlotte rolls Natalya up with her foot on the bottom rope to pickup the victory.

Winner: Still WWE Divas Champion Charlotte

Fifth Match: Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman vs. Luke Harper w/Bray Wyatt

Lesnar drives his shoulders to the midsection of Harper. Lesnar with a german suplex that sends Harper to the outside. Lesnar has a stare down with Wyatt. Harper with a suicide dive to Lesnar. Harper with right hands. Harper drives his shoulders to the midsection of Lesnar. Harper blocks a suplex attempt by Lesnar. Harper with a boot to the face of Lesnar.

Harper drops Lesnar with multiple suplex’s. Harper with a discus clothesline for a two count. Lesnar with a german suplex that sends Harper to the corner. Harper with another boot the face of Lesnar. Harper with a suplex. Harper goes for another discus clothesline, but Lesnar connects with a suplex. Wyatt distracts Lesnar from the outside. Lesnar with a series of german suplex’s to Harper. Lesnar with a F5 to Harper to pickup the victory.

Winner: Brock Lesnar

Sixth Match: Sami Zayn vs. Stardust

Stardust and Zayn locked up. Stardust with a wrist lock to Zayn. Zayn with a armbar to Stardust. Zayn with a series of deep arm drags to Stardust. Zayn continues to work on the shoulder of Stardust. Zayn drives his shoulder to the midsection of Stardust. Stardust with a big forearm to Zayn. Stardust begins to work on the leg of Zayn. Stardust rolls Zayn back into the ring. Stardust stomps on Zayn’s chest. Stardust with clubbing blows to the back of Zayn. Stardust with a waist lock to Zayn. Stardust with a knee to Zayn’s ribs. Stardust goes back to the waist lock. Stardust with a forearm for a one count. Zayn with right hands to Stardust. Stardust with a clothesline. Stardust gets Zayn in the Billy Goat’s Curse. Stardust goes for a suplex, but Zayn counters with a boot to the face of Stardust. Zayn rolls Stardust up for a two count.

Stardust continues to ground Zayn. Stardust sends Zayn face first to the top turnbuckle. Stardust and Zayn brawl on the top rope. Stardust goes for a superplex, but Zayn sends Stardust down to the mat. Stardust gets back on the top rope and connects with the superplex for a two count. Stardust slaps Zayn in the face. Zayn with a clothesline to Stardust. Zayn with a series of punches to Stardust in the corner. Zayn with a bodyslam. Zayn ascends to the top rope. Zayn leapfrogs over Stardust. Zayn sends Stardust to the outside. Zayn connects with the over the rope plancha. Zayn with the Blue Thunder Bomb to Stardust for a two count. Both men exchange standing switch. Stardust goes for the Cross Rhodes, but Zayn gets back on his feet. Stardust with the Disaster Kick to Zayn for a two count. Zayn with a exploder suplex to Stardust in the corner. Zayn with the Helluva Kick to Stardust to pickup the victory.

Winner: Sami Zayn

Seventh Match: Triple H (c) vs. Dean Ambrose for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship

Triple H with a side headlock to Ambrose. Triple H with a shoulder tackle. Triple H connects with a hip toss that sends Ambrose to the corner. Triple H with a right hand. Triple H continues to work on the shoulder of Ambrose. Ambrose with a side headlock to Triple H. Triple H with a knee to the midsection of Ambrose. Ambrose with a hip toss to Triple H. Ambrose with a armdrag. Ambrose taunts Triple H. Ambrose with a side headlock to Triple H. Ambrose rakes the nose of Triple H. Ambrose with a series of deep armdrags. Ambrose rakes the nose of Triple H again. Ambrose with a armbar. Triple H drives his shoulders to the midsection of Ambrose. Triple H and Ambrose with back and forth right hands. Triple H with a series of right hands to Ambrose in the corner. Ambrose with a crossbody to Triple H. Ambrose with a clothesline that sends Triple H over the top rope. Triple H irish whips Ambrose back to the ring, but Ambrose counters with the Lunatic Lariat. Ambrose rolls Triple H back into the ring. Ambrose with multiple chop blocks to Triple H. Ambrose with a running dropkick to the knee of Triple H. Ambrose drives Triple H leg to the steel ring post.

Ambrose with a right hand to the back of Triple H’s knee. Triple H goes for the Pedigree, but Ambrose blocks the attempt. Triple H sends Ambrose back first to the steel ring post. Triple H drives Ambrose rib first to the barricade. Triple H with a knee to the face of Ambrose. Triple H catapult’s Ambrose throat under the bottom rope. Triple H drops his elbow to the back of Ambrose. Triple H applies the cross face submission hold. Triple H with multiple elbows to the back of Ambrose. Triple H irish whips Ambrose back first to the corner. Ambrose with right hands to the ribs of Triple H. Triple H with a spinebuster for a two count. Triple H puts Ambrose on the top rope. Ambrose with headbutts to Triple H to create separation. Ambrose with a flying elbow drop to Triple H. Triple H with a big right hand to Ambrose. Triple H and Ambrose exchange back and forth right hands. Ambrose with a chop/jab combination. Ambrose stomps on Triple H’s chest in the corner. Ambrose with a running forearm/bulldog for a two count. Triple H with a knee drop. Triple H goes for the Pedigree, but Ambrose rolls Triple H up for a two count. Ambrose goes for the Dirty Deeds, but Triple H counters with a right hand.

Triple H with a knee drop and Ambrose responds with the Lunatic Lariat. Triple H lands a massive clothesline to Ambrose. Triple H goes for the Pedigree, but Ambrose sends Triple H to the outside. Ambrose goes for the suicide dive, but Triple H counters with a big right hand. Triple H clears the announce table. Ambrose sends Triple H rib first to the steel ring post. Ambrose ascends the top rope and Triple H knocks him down to the mat. Triple H goes for the Pedigree, but Ambrose gets Triple H in the Figure Four Leg Lock. Triple H with a series of right hands to break the submission hold. Ambrose gets Triple H in the Sharpshooter and Triple H reaches the bottom rope. Triple H with a jawbreaker to Ambrose. Ambrose with the Dirty Deeds to Triple H for a two count, but Ambrose feet were under the bottom rope. Triple H rolls Ambrose up with his feet on the second rope for a two count. Ambrose launches Triple H over the steel ring post. Ambrose with the suicide dive. Ambrose sends Triple H back first to the barricade. Ambrose with a flying elbow drop to Triple H. Ambrose places Triple H on the table. Ambrose with a series of right hands. Ambrose hops on the barricade at ringside. Ambrose goes for the flying elbow drop, but he goes through the table as Triple H ducks out of the way. Triple H rolls back into the ring. Ambrose rolls back into the ring and Triple H connects with the Pedigree to pickup the victory.

Winner: Still WWE World Heavyweight Champion Triple H

What do you guys say about
Nothing Happened Roadblock......
sam said:
What do you guys say about
Nothing Happened Roadblock......

It's a comedy PPV ;
Just a filler before WrestleMania :ohya:c

How can they change storyline build-up for WM suddenly ??

More like a SmackDown show :s
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