WWE Live Event in Monroe LA

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Asad Afzal

1 Oct 2015
Reaction score
Chris Jericho def. U.S. Champion Alberto Del Rio in a non-title match.
JoJo announced to the house that John Cena is out due to a shoulder injury. She informed the crow refunds were available for the next twenty minutes. Before she could finish Alberto Del Rio interrupted and cut a promo on Cena. Del Rio received heat from the crowd during his promo. He even mentioned pro wrestling.
Chris Jericho interrupted Alberto to a big pop from the crowd. Lots of Y2J cheers broke out in the audience. ADR started cutting a promo on Jericho, until he took the mic. Jericho said "Welcome to Monroe is Jericho." Jericho is majorly over with the crowd which is expected considering his resume. During the promo Jericho called Del Rio "Alberto Del Jackass" & said it was Spanish for jackass.
Fast start to the match, Jericho hits DEL RIO with mic and runs him into the corner. Jericho ripped ADR's shirt off and started chopping him. When the action spilled outside, Jericho wiped his arm pits with the ripped shirt & rubbed it in Del Rio's face. Alberto ran Jericho ran into guard rails and started arguing with Rick the sign guy. Del Rio doesn't seem not to Rick very much so he took his hat and threw it. Rick even had a rubber chicken that Jericho used on Del Rio. Back in the ring, there were a few false finishes for both guys. Del Rio used the outside ropes to apply the cross arm breaker, but the ref broke it up.
Jericho tried to apply the walls but got super kicked instead on the reversal by Del Rio. Alberto got Jericho in another cross arm breaker and the crowd cheering for Y2J. Del Rio got caught in the Walls but Jericho was forced to break after Alberto managed to get the rope. Alberto used the ref as a distraction to rake the eyes. Soon after, Jericho hit code breaker for the 3 count.
Titus O'Neil def. Stardust
Titus got a good reaction from the crown on his way to the ring. A lot of people doing his signature bark or whatever it is. Sign guy has his hat stolen by Stardust, but luckily he has backup. Cody chants start to break out. Titus steals the hat back from Stardust and gives it back to Rick. The match has started but no action other than stealing & retrieving the hat. Stardust slides out of ring before any action takes place and gets some boos for his actions. More Cody chants break out among the crowd.
Titus gets upper hand early. Stardust needs a break, so he retreats into the crowd. Cody chants start again. Titus slaps Cody on the chest in the corner and the crowd wants him to do it one more time. Titus obliges and sends him into another corner and again another slap on the chest. Crowd asks for yet another so being the generous guy he is O'Neil gives Stardust another one and sends him into another corner. Stardust rolls out of the ring to escape.
Stardust gets heat from the after an eye rake & has the upper hand. Stardust goes for cover, two count. A lot of people yelling Cody. Stardust hisses at Charles Robinson after two count, Charles hisses back. Stardust has the upper hand. Titus chant breaks out. Stardust tried to use the ring post but Titus reversed. Soon after O'Neil hits the Clash of the Titus for the three count.
R-Truth def. Heath Slater
R-Truth out first for his match. He raps down the aisle. Good reaction, a lot of people saying what's up. Leads crowd in what's up chants. Slater out next. No social outcasts with him. Little to no reaction on his way to the ring.
Some boos when he hits the ring, Slater gyrates on the apron some. Truth does a what's up chant with a good reaction. Slater tried one man band, only to be met with a lot of boos. After truth plays to crowd, slater tries & Immediately met with boos. Both wrestlers exchange dabs. Match has started but no action. Slater asks crowd if they want a dance off and kicks truth which got some heat. R-Truth gets win in a 5 minute match after a roll up.
Ryback def. Heath Slater
Slater demands the music be cut & requests a new opponent. The big guy accepts his request. Ryback got a good pop. Slater cuts promo saying Ryback doesn't want to eat him because he's filthy & he stinks like everyone from Monroe. Ryback hits spine buster followed by meat hook. Shell shock delivered for the 3 count.
Connor's cure video package played.
Dolph Ziggler def. Tyler Breeze
Breeze doing his usual reclining in the corner. Ziggler runs towards him forcing him to move. ATyler's Gorgeouschant broke out. Crowd firmly behind Dolph in this match. Breeze arguing with the sign guy. Lockup around the ring to start the action. Breeze wins the exchange & reclines in the corner. Dolph working the arm pretty fast. Tosses Tyler with arm drag & mocks him. Ziggler on offense sends Tyler out & when he tries to escape Dolph brings him back. Breeze sends Dolph out of the ring. Ziggler makes it back on 9.
Tyler on the offensive. Crowd urging Dolph. He explodes for some punches but misses a splash attempt in the corner. Crowd starts chanting Ziggler while he gets worked over.ziggler explodes for a flurry & hits a spinning neck breaker after a splash in the corner. Famouser attempt misses. Breeze back on offensive. Dolph hits famouser, kick out. Both men have traded false finishes. Ziggler hits a good super kick for a two count. Zig zag off a power bomb attempt from the corner gets a 3 Count.
> Intermission
Brie Bella (w/Alicia Fox) def. Tamina with Summer Rae as ref
Tamina out first. Brie is out to a major pop, accompanied by Alicia Fox. After getting pummeled, Brie works an arm. Tamina works her over. Brie kicks Tamina with "yes" chants from the crowd. Taunts w/ happy bday. Brie rolls up Tamina for two. Tamina back on offensive. Bella manages to gain the upper hand but the running knee can only get a two count. After help from the ref, who had been barking at Tamina to get off the hair during the match, Brie gets the pinfall.
- Dean Ambrose video promo plays
Kalisto and El Torito def. Los Matadores
Lucha chants break out. Kalisto starts but tags in el torrito upon request. El torrito gets pressed by his former partner outside the ring. Kalisto gets the hot tag & cleans house. He hits his finisher for the three count.
Intercontinental Champion Dean Ambrose def. Kevin Owens
Owens attacks before the bell. Shows off to the crowd with the belt. Owens beats down Ambrose & teases throwing an Ambrose Asylum shirt to the crowd, but drops it on the floor. Owens chops Ambrose in the corner, but Ambrose reverses with his own chops but meets a head butt. Two count for Owens. Ambrose locked in a submission attempt and manages to escape. Owens getting great crowd heat. Owens grabs the stick and calls it the Kevin Owens show on the mic. Missed running senton by Owens & Dean is on the offensive.
Nice running bulldog by Ambrose & Owens rolls out after Ambrose climbs the ropes. Dean flies through the ropes to the outside taking out Owens. Owens back on offense after sending Ambrose throat first into the ropes. Dean gains the advantage & hits a suplex from second rope. Dirty Deeds attempt blocked.
Owens sends Ambrose into ropes for pop up power bomb. Ambrose hits his trademark clothesline from the ropes. Ambrose kicks out of popup power bomb. Owens argues it was a 3. KO takes off the turnbuckle cover and gets caught. He tries to use a chair but gets stopped by the referee. Dirty Deeds gets a three count.
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