WWE FASTLANE 2016 : Results

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Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Brock Lesnar to become the #1 Contender for the WWE Title

Ambrose comes out first to a pretty nice pop. Roman comes down to what sounds like a mixed reaction at best. Lesnar gets a nice pop himself.
These trends continue during the introductions, though Roman's reception is just boos and not mixed then. (Heyman introduces Lesnar himself.)

Match starts with Lesnar going right after Ambros. Reigns goes after Lesnar and gets an early suplex. Lesnar is already in control. Dean tries his hand but Lesnar is still easily in control. Ambrose gets quick control of Lesnar and tries to go for a German Suplex of his own! He fails miserably and eats a belly to belly suplex. Lesnar still has easy control of both men.

"Suplex City" chants reign down from the crowd as Reigns is taken there. Four Germans to Reigns and then F5! Dean Ambrose breaks it up. Dean slaps Lesnar and Lesnar tosses him around like a rag doll because of it. Then Ambrose takes a ride to Suplex City as Lesnar starts turning that hue of purple he does when he is kicking arse.

After a few suplexes to Ambrose, Brock goes for the F5. Before he can, Reigns spears Brock but only gets a two count. Roman looks to take advantage and hits a Superman punch that knocks Brock out of the ring. he goes after Brock on the outside and jumps at him. Brock catches him for an F5 but Dean low blows Brock before he can hit it!

Dean and Ambrose look to work together. They set up the Shield Powerbomb and put Lesnar through an announce table!
Dean then goes after Roman and tosses him into the ring steps and the fight goes to the inside. Dean has early advantage working over Roman. This then turns into a back and forth slugfest. A rebound clothesline from Dean leaves both men laying in the middle of the ring.

Noticing that Brock is stirring, the brothers go back after Brock on the outside. They then prepare a second announce table for some more destruction. They deliver ANOTHER powerbomb to Lesnar through the announce table!

This time, Roman goes after Ambrose first to the crowd's dismay. Back in the ring, Roman has control on Dean. Roman ends up hitting a Superman punch to Dean and sets up for the spear, which Ambrose kick the first and Roman tries a second but Ambrose side steps it sending Roman into the corner. Roman falls back and Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds! But Roman kicks out at 2!

Ambrose goes for a second one but Roman sets up for a Samoan Drop. However Lesnar runs in and Germans Roman! Dean flies out of the ring and Brock and Roman are both down.

He then takes the chair to Roman and back to Brock! Roman is able to shrug off a ton of chair shots and hit a spear on Dean for the 1-2-3.

Roman Reigns pins Dean Ambrose to become #1 Contender

There's sign pointing and fireworks.

Triple H comes down the ring and the men stare each other down.

Rahulan Ratnarajah said:
Yup, but it's the rematch clause for Roman Reign after losing the title in Royal Rumble...
So this match is just an eye-wash :k:c

Yes but Lesnar deserves most because he lost title without get pinned or submitted...
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