Android—the most popular mobile operating system, with over 3 billion active and loyal users to its credit, is fast becoming an indispensible system for one and all.
Though you may not be aware of the same, there are many kinds of interesting things that your Android can do, so that’s why we have put together some useful top tips and tricks that will make you enjoy your phone and/ or tablet all the more!
Read on for some exciting tips and tricks that every Android user must know.
These will not only enhance your overall user experience but also offer an exhaustive range of benefits.
Right from providing the highest levels of security to beautifying your phone to make it look different from all others, you will not be disappointed to have these amazing Android tips and tricks up your sleeve.
Get More Organized with Folders
Enjoy the many Benefits of Google Now
useful and funny Google voice commands
Source : TrendBlog.net
Google Now raided the world of Android users after the launch of the Android 4.1 Jelly Bean—and in a big way indeed!
And if you still haven’t used it, then you really need to check out its great features and the reasons that are making it fast indispensible for all users alike.
Typically, an intelligent digital assistant which forms an integral part of the Google Search app, it helps you get access to a cards based interface/ notifications and offers helpful information on topics such as weather, travel and hospitality, sports scores and much more.
An easy and quick way of doing all this is by swiping up from the lower side of the screen—well, you may not have the icon if you have not yet opted for the service.Go for it!

List of 70+ Google Now Voice Commands [Infographic] » TechieSense

Smart as this tip is, it can be enjoyed only if your version of Android and device is totally compatible with the same.
If you do not have the Swipe Gesture pre-installed then you may like to download the same for free from your favorite Google Play Store; download the popular Google Keyboard or resort to a third-party alternative like Swift Key.
While Swipe gesture typing may not be easy for everyone, it’s definitely worth attempting as it proves to easier and much faster than pressing buttons.
Here, you can swipe around the keyboard to get each and every letter that you need without losing any contact with the phone’s touch screen.
On the basis of the shape made by you, your keyboard works out the word that you require– even though you may not be doing it very accurately.
This feature also helps you swipe through the shift and/ or symbols keys for easy caps and punctuation
Install Antivirus Apps to Secure your phone
Antivirus to Secure your Android
Let’s face it – one of the biggest problems that you could face with any communication device that you use is the threat of being afflicted with a virus which might – worst case scenario – blow away your data; or best case scenario, make your device sluggish (particularly when you need it to function swiftly).
The major benefit with an Android platform is the ease of installation and use of antivirus applications.
There are a host of antivirus programmes available on the marketplace (and in this context, the word ‘marketplace’ refers to the Google Play Store), which hosts a plethora of apps and software.
They go a long way in making your device as foolproof as possible.
So, if you are looking towards 100 percent performance, error free play time and hours of fun on your Android, Go ahead and install an antivirus at the earliest.
Extend Battery Life

Extend Battery Life
One of the other important challenges of using any mobile device is the supposed battery life – or lack of the same.
Fortunately, with an Android device, you have the option to adjust a few settings to ensure that the battery life of your device is lengthened by a sizable percentage.
Tricks like adjusting the screen brightness, switching off data plan when not required and disabling the inactive apps when unused; go a long way in preserving your phone’s battery and extending its battery life by a factor of hours.
There are many battery saving apps available on Google Play Store that will automate your settings and save your battery; thus ensuring you never miss an important call.
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