1 GB 3G data ends very quickly if we do uploading. So not economical at all. Better to use BB be it slow but yours is definitely needs improvement. Why don't you complain them bro after all they are charging you same as others.
1 GB 3G data ends very quickly if we do uploading. So not economical at all. Better to use BB be it slow but yours is definitely needs improvement. Why don't you complain them bro after all they are charging you same as others.
I used to consume about 3gb per month bro. I am using postpaid and it gives me a flexibility to add on the data easily. And i can't rely on BB for uploads. My clients will screw me badly. If i delay the submission, every effort is wasted.
Whole work is managed remotely. And i have argued many times with airtel but i have no solution for upload. And 8Mbps is the maximum speed they can provide.