MUMBAI: National Geographic Channel (NGC) said it is in the process of shooting a six episode show on IPL will offer a behind the scenes perspective on the event. Titled 'Inside IPL', the show will reveal the facts behind the massive machinery of the event. The show is expected to air later this year.
From the organisation and preparations for the IPL season 6, to its execution, management, broadcast, players and fans, 'Inside IPL' will give viewers a peek into the making and shaping of India's largest annual sporting spectacle.
This show is a part of NGC's 'Inside' programming series which showcases restricted places and behind-the-scenes moments from some of the world's greatest events.
National Geographic Network and Fox International Channels India MD Keertan Adyanthaya said, "IPL is more than just a cricket tournament, with hundreds of millions of people and billions of rupees being involved. Nat Geo's 'Inside' series is internationally famed for taking viewers behind the world's most spectacular places and occurrence. 'Inside IPL' promises to be the viewer's front row seat and backstage pass to the frenzy, passion and excitement behind this one-of-a-kind sporting and entertainment event."
Asked about the BCCI's response to the concept he said that the BCCI has welcomed the channel and is providing it with complete access to create this series.
"We are getting complete access to all the venues, personnel, teams, team owners, players and ground organisers who make it possible. The series will be six episodes of an hour each. We will be shooting during the entire duration of IPL 6 and also post the event. In all, it is likely to take us 10 weeks to shoot," he said.
In terms of the choice of the IPL as subject matter he noted that the IPL in India is quite apt as it's a mega sporting event on a global scale with upwards of a billion eyeballs watching it. "We want to take our discerning audience inside the IPL and show them how it's crafted and created into a fabulous entertainment spectacle."
Speaking about the association with NGC, IPL chairman Rajeev Shukla said, "We are very excited to be associated with a prestigious brand like National Geographic Channel for a special series on the Pepsi Indian Premier League. For the team behind the Pepsi IPL, this is a fabulous opportunity to showcase to the league's loyal fans, the hard work and dedication put forth to make their favourite sporting event a reality." > News Headlines > NGC goes behind the scene for IPL show
From the organisation and preparations for the IPL season 6, to its execution, management, broadcast, players and fans, 'Inside IPL' will give viewers a peek into the making and shaping of India's largest annual sporting spectacle.
This show is a part of NGC's 'Inside' programming series which showcases restricted places and behind-the-scenes moments from some of the world's greatest events.
National Geographic Network and Fox International Channels India MD Keertan Adyanthaya said, "IPL is more than just a cricket tournament, with hundreds of millions of people and billions of rupees being involved. Nat Geo's 'Inside' series is internationally famed for taking viewers behind the world's most spectacular places and occurrence. 'Inside IPL' promises to be the viewer's front row seat and backstage pass to the frenzy, passion and excitement behind this one-of-a-kind sporting and entertainment event."
Asked about the BCCI's response to the concept he said that the BCCI has welcomed the channel and is providing it with complete access to create this series.
"We are getting complete access to all the venues, personnel, teams, team owners, players and ground organisers who make it possible. The series will be six episodes of an hour each. We will be shooting during the entire duration of IPL 6 and also post the event. In all, it is likely to take us 10 weeks to shoot," he said.
In terms of the choice of the IPL as subject matter he noted that the IPL in India is quite apt as it's a mega sporting event on a global scale with upwards of a billion eyeballs watching it. "We want to take our discerning audience inside the IPL and show them how it's crafted and created into a fabulous entertainment spectacle."
Speaking about the association with NGC, IPL chairman Rajeev Shukla said, "We are very excited to be associated with a prestigious brand like National Geographic Channel for a special series on the Pepsi Indian Premier League. For the team behind the Pepsi IPL, this is a fabulous opportunity to showcase to the league's loyal fans, the hard work and dedication put forth to make their favourite sporting event a reality." > News Headlines > NGC goes behind the scene for IPL show