Hi folks
Facing a issue first time with jio fiber. Some of website taking 5-6 second to load completely like onlytech and some are loading fine.
On the other hand WhatsApp message sending after 4-5sec approx.
What could be the issue. How to solve
Download/Streaming issue and browsing speed issues are different though, and download/stream issue is quite rare for JioFiber users while browsing issue is common for most. So, I guess it is better for them to be separate.
Title of that post could be changed though, since it is mostly about browsing issues.
Download/Streaming issue and browsing speed issues are different though, and download/stream issue is quite rare for JioFiber users while browsing issue is common for most. So, I guess it is better for them to be separate.
I am not sure about that, because routing seemed fine to me when I was facing buffering in YouTube. It was using Jio Bhopal IP address for me, which I suppose it some local stream by Jio for YouTube.
Besides that, the main issues we are discussing on both threads are different where one is common, while the other is rare.