etios said:
tamilgreen said:
etios said:
jana1980 said:
etios said:
IPL should definitely drop chennai as a venue, we cant risk harm to Sri Lankan players over silly politics by Tamil Nadu Government.
Will you play cricket who murdered your mother and sister
If you guys think this way then all Muslims should also attack and kill ALL Hindus in India for Godhra riots and Babri maszid!!
If all Muslims of the world unite and attack India then entire India can easily be converted to ISLAM.
we talking about Tamil Nadu fisherman attack by sri lankan navel force and genocide in sri lanka.

wall:wall most of Muslim nation under control of American force.

are you accepting fisherman attack and genocide in srilanka ? :angry:angry:angry . are know who did Godhra riots and Babri maszid ... any step are you taken to put in jail or GOD giving any punishment to those people ... NO . they are very well. only normal people suffer in Godhra riots and Babri maszid . but we different any one touch us . we giving punishment on the spot . there is NO different among us . because we following periyar Thoughts.
The LTTE terrorists in Sri Lanka conducted horrible Ethnic Cleansing of Muslims:
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That is why Pakistan supported Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka army in United Nations:
India votes against, Pakistan for Sri Lanka at UNHRC - Times Of India
we are talking about genocide not religion fight .
Pakistani Muslim didn't worried other country Muslim suffer.
Indian Hindu didn't worried other country hindu suffer.
only Indian help each other. so same thing we want India help Tamil people. tamil people are one of the part of India.
Muslims were tortured by the LTTE terrorists, they used children and women as human shield, LTTE deserved to be finished and Sri Lankan army did the right thing.
In srilanka LTTE tortured Muslims ... so srilankan army have right thing to kill all Tamil people. and tamil nadu fisherman.
ok right ...
In India Pakistan supported terrorists targeting
innocent Hindu people in india. so Indian army have same rights to kill all Muslim in India . but noting happen to Muslim in India because India is a parliament democratic country . but sri lanka different they change parliament democratic to
president democratic. president have whole power do anything in country. in sri lanka most of people are Sinhalese . they didn't want Tamil people vote to win election. all state in srilanka under the governor rule. any chance India follow same president democratic . just imagine what is happen to minority people in India. that same thing is happen to tamil people in srilanka.
genocide no god help us so
we don't want any religion people support
your above article mention clearly says LTTE evacuate Muslims and Sinhalese in northern province . not genocide any one. there is lot of different is there. in second world war
Nazi did genocide. America evacuate
Japanese people . war between two side . whats happen. they keep trusted people. evacuate others. LTTE did same thing ... not kill all Tamil people like sri lanka .
war is over in 2009 , but still to date . sri lankan government keep
Tamil people in camp .
so America came this
resolution in UNHRC. Tamil Nadu politician only want to free this Tamil people in camp and investigate genocide in sri lanka. not they want kill all Sinhalese because they kill tamil nadu fisher man, don't speck about Tamil people unity. Muslims, christian , Hindu are same in Tamil Nadu. there is only state in India heard minority people voice. example
visaroopam banned because of Muslim crisis. major two parties in Tamil Nadu dmk and admk .comes from
dravidar kazhagam (dravidar kazhagam main motto there is no god ) no religion no fight in Tamil Nadu.
i think i am answer your all question but you didn't ?
1) are you accepting fisherman attack and genocide in srilanka ?
2)are know who did Godhra riots and Babri maszid ... any step are you taken to put in jail or GOD giving any punishment to those people ?
3)most of Muslim nation under control of American force. how they attack India ?
4) Pakistan support Muslim , in Pakistan Muslim are majority. same thing in India Hindu are majority so India support Hindu people . what is you opinion ...