IPS officer G Sampath Kumar who started investigation into the IPL betting and fixing scandal has been suspended. Tamil Nadu DGP told CNN IBN that the action against Kumar was taken for his misconduct.
Kumar had earlier in the month revealed that a bookie named Kitty had claimed that Indian captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni and former Chennai Super Kings Principal Gurunath Meiyappan, son-in-law of BCCI President N Srinivasan, were part of a "deal" that involved fixing in the Indian Premier League.
Sampath who deposed before the Mukul Mudgal Committee had claimed that the Tamil Nadu did not probe the fixing angle during investigation.
Honesty pays the price.
Kumar had earlier in the month revealed that a bookie named Kitty had claimed that Indian captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni and former Chennai Super Kings Principal Gurunath Meiyappan, son-in-law of BCCI President N Srinivasan, were part of a "deal" that involved fixing in the Indian Premier League.
Sampath who deposed before the Mukul Mudgal Committee had claimed that the Tamil Nadu did not probe the fixing angle during investigation.
Honesty pays the price.