New Delhi: Intex launched its new smartphone - Aqua i4 - in India at Rs 7,600. The phone has a 5-inch FWVGA (854x480) display, and is powered by a 1.2GHz dual core processor, with 512MB of RAM.
Running Android Jelly Bean OS 4.2.2, the smartphone has an 8 megapixel camera with flash and a 1.3 megapixel front camera. The phone comes with an internal memory of 4GB, which is expandable up to 32GB.
Its connectivity options include as 3G, HSPA+, and Bluetooth 4.0. It is packed with a 2000mAh battery that offers a talk time of 6 hours and a standby time of 220 hours.
Intex Aqua i4+ with 5-inch display, dual-core CPU at Rs 7,600
Running Android Jelly Bean OS 4.2.2, the smartphone has an 8 megapixel camera with flash and a 1.3 megapixel front camera. The phone comes with an internal memory of 4GB, which is expandable up to 32GB.
Its connectivity options include as 3G, HSPA+, and Bluetooth 4.0. It is packed with a 2000mAh battery that offers a talk time of 6 hours and a standby time of 220 hours.
Intex Aqua i4+ with 5-inch display, dual-core CPU at Rs 7,600