# All
* Updated V8 -
* Updated WebKit - 537.16
* Fixed tab character in text field when pressed Tab in a <browser> tag.
* Fixed omnibox suggestion: restore selection on WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION
* Fixed text that goes out of the box under Related section after an app was installed.
* Fixed Web Store icon
# Windows
* Updated styling for Web Intents windows
* Setting preference to launch in Metro on Windows 8 will no longer cause Chrome to launch in Metro mode upon uninstall.
* Fixed missing print preview on Asian sites.
# All
* Updated V8 -
* Bookmarks are now searched by their title while typing into the omnibox with matching bookmarks being shown in the autocomplete suggestions pop-down list. Matching is done by prefix. Example: if there is a bookmark with a title of “Doglettes & Catlettes” typing any of the following into the omnibox will likely present the bookmark as a suggestion:: “dog”, “cat”, “cat dog”, “dog cat”, “dogle”, etc. Typing “ogle” or “lettes” will not match.
* Fixed issues.
# Windows
* Removed “Uninstall Google Chrome” shortcut from the Start menu as recommended by Microsoft’s best practices article for the Start menu.