ms Dhoni will serve the Indian army in Kashmir and will undertake the duties of patrolling, guard and post duty for about 15 days, the Indian Army said in a statement on Thursday.“Lieutenant Colonel (Honorary) MS Dhoni is proceeding to 106 Territorial Army Battalion (Para) for being with the Battalion from 31 Jul-15 Aug 2019,” the statement said.The statement further added that Dhoni will be serving in the Kashmir valley as part of Victor Force. “The unit is in Kashmir as part of Victor Force.He’ll be taking duties of patrolling, guard&post duty and will be staying with troops.”
The Pakistan Cricket Board made the shock announcement Friday confirming Amir, who has played 36 Tests in a career interrupted by a five-year spot-fixing ban, has retired from the longest format. Amir announces shock Test retirement
“The cricket committee will consider any issues arising from the World Cup final when it next meets (in the first quarter of 2020),” Allardice was quoted as saying by ESPNcricinfo.The ICC’s Anil Kumble-led Cricket Committee will discuss issues concerning the epic World Cup final, including the controversial boundary count back rule, in its next meeting, said the apex body’s general manager of cricket Geoff Allardice.