Weather projected to be 38°C here tomorrow. Probably the hottest day of the year. Heavy rain was expected this week due to cyclone which is not expected until next 2 weeks now. Is this because of the cyclone? 38°C in the middle of May doesn't seem normal for Guwahati.
Weather projected to be 38°C here tomorrow. Probably the hottest day of the year. Heavy rain was expected this week due to cyclone which is not expected until next 2 weeks now. Is this because of the cyclone? 38°C in the middle of May doesn't seem normal for Guwahati.
Climate Change at its best. Here in MP in May, the average temp used to be between 42-45 degrees with Brutal Heatwaves. But till now the average temp is less than 38 degrees and no heatwave till now.
Climate Change at its best. Here in MP in May, the average temp used to be between 42-45 degrees with Brutal Heatwaves. But till now the average temp is less than 38 degrees and no heatwave till now.
Heatwave is generally influenced by north westerly winds that blow from Rajasthan deserts. In the absence of these winds, the heatwaves won't come and the temperatures will stay under 40°C. Below are the main reasons that heat waves haven't been observed this summer
1) Frequent western disturbances - most western disturbances end around April but this time we saq very frequent WDs coming into north India bringing rains. This didn't allow the plains and deserts to heat up and send hot winds over the rest of india
2) Weather system in Arabian sea - Cyclones and other lows in the Arabian sea tends to reverse the wind direction to blow from south to north thus keeping the hot winds from reaching the rest of India from the desert. These system also causes the influx of moisture into the Peninsular region keeping the temperatures in check. Has the exactly opposite effect when Cyclones form in bay of bengal. BOB cyclones pulls the hot air from north India plains causing heatwaves
Weather projected to be 38°C here tomorrow. Probably the hottest day of the year. Heavy rain was expected this week due to cyclone which is not expected until next 2 weeks now. Is this because of the cyclone? 38°C in the middle of May doesn't seem normal for Guwahati.