MUMBAI: Not long back team India’s victory in a cricket match was celebrated with chants like Vande Maataram, Chak De India or Jai Hind. That seems to have changed in the 2015 edition of World Cup. The moment India wins a match, an unusual scenario develops in India and it can be called Mauka Mania.
The Hindi word Mauka, which implies to opportunity in English has been used in such a way by Star Sports (the official broadcaster of ICC World Cup 2015 in India) that it has turned that innocuous word to an anthem - An anthem dedicated to both winners and losers of the match.
When queried on how the Mauka campaign started, Star India spokesperson said, “The India Pakistan match is the biggest unifying factor in the country regardless of age, gender or whether you're a sports fan or not. We wanted a campaign, which will get the attention of the nation and would have a life of its own, but still be a part of the larger umbrella campaign #wontgiveitback.”
India’s undisputed victories over Pakistan in the World Cups were taken as a concept to create the campaign. It is quite natural to get invisible in the flurry of ads during an Indo –Pak bout and hence it was extremely important to be different from others and Mauka was indeed different. On the conceptualisation of the campaign the official asserted, “The brief was clear, we haven’t lost to them ever in a World Cup and we should not give this record up. After we had the idea in place we knew it was a disruptive thought that people would talk about and share. The proposition for the Mauka campaign was way beyond cricket and so needed to be the campaign. It used fan’s passion in a unique way. The idea was at a human level, it was true, funny and ignited a sense of pride without being nasty to the opponents.”
The Hindi word Mauka, which implies to opportunity in English has been used in such a way by Star Sports (the official broadcaster of ICC World Cup 2015 in India) that it has turned that innocuous word to an anthem - An anthem dedicated to both winners and losers of the match.
When queried on how the Mauka campaign started, Star India spokesperson said, “The India Pakistan match is the biggest unifying factor in the country regardless of age, gender or whether you're a sports fan or not. We wanted a campaign, which will get the attention of the nation and would have a life of its own, but still be a part of the larger umbrella campaign #wontgiveitback.”
India’s undisputed victories over Pakistan in the World Cups were taken as a concept to create the campaign. It is quite natural to get invisible in the flurry of ads during an Indo –Pak bout and hence it was extremely important to be different from others and Mauka was indeed different. On the conceptualisation of the campaign the official asserted, “The brief was clear, we haven’t lost to them ever in a World Cup and we should not give this record up. After we had the idea in place we knew it was a disruptive thought that people would talk about and share. The proposition for the Mauka campaign was way beyond cricket and so needed to be the campaign. It used fan’s passion in a unique way. The idea was at a human level, it was true, funny and ignited a sense of pride without being nasty to the opponents.”