Sony has launched a newer iteration of its not-quite-successful SmartWatch line of wearable smartwatches. Dubbed the SmartWatch 2, it was launched by Sony at an event in Delhi. It is only compatible with Android devices. Unlike the Galaxy Gear, however, it isn't limited to just Sony's smartphones. It’s priced at Rs 14,990 and is hitting Indian stores today.
The Sony SmartWatch 2 lets you check notifications without taking your smartphone out
The Sony SmartWatch 2 lets you check notifications without taking your smartphone out
The SmartWatch 2 essentially acts as an extended notifications system for your smartphone, in a way. It will show you notifications you get on your phone, and lets you control the music playing on it. When you get a notification, the SmartWatch 2 will gently vibrate on your wrist to let you know. It can be paired up with Android devices using Bluetooth and NFC. It also has support for its own native apps, which can be downloaded from Google Play.
For fitness buffs, you can use the SmartWatch 2 to not only track your workout by using third-party apps, but it also acts as a pedometer, allowing you to measure the number of steps you might have taken during your long walk. As can be expected of a watch, it shows the time, and also lets users pick from a number of different watch faces, ranging from the standard analogue look to a more modern digital look.
The SmartWatch 2 also has the same IP certification that nearly all of Sony's high-end products seem to have these days. This includes a resistance to water, meaning you don't have to hurry and hide the SmartWatch 2 if it starts raining during your jog.
The Sony SmartWatch 2 lets you check notifications without taking your smartphone out
The Sony SmartWatch 2 lets you check notifications without taking your smartphone out
The SmartWatch 2 essentially acts as an extended notifications system for your smartphone, in a way. It will show you notifications you get on your phone, and lets you control the music playing on it. When you get a notification, the SmartWatch 2 will gently vibrate on your wrist to let you know. It can be paired up with Android devices using Bluetooth and NFC. It also has support for its own native apps, which can be downloaded from Google Play.
For fitness buffs, you can use the SmartWatch 2 to not only track your workout by using third-party apps, but it also acts as a pedometer, allowing you to measure the number of steps you might have taken during your long walk. As can be expected of a watch, it shows the time, and also lets users pick from a number of different watch faces, ranging from the standard analogue look to a more modern digital look.
The SmartWatch 2 also has the same IP certification that nearly all of Sony's high-end products seem to have these days. This includes a resistance to water, meaning you don't have to hurry and hide the SmartWatch 2 if it starts raining during your jog.