Snapchat on Monday updated its Android and iOS apps to replace the 'Best Friends' list feature with a new 'Friend Emojis' that is more private and only visible to the user. The app has also added a low-light camera mode and the new 'Needs Love' section.
The new Friend Emojis feature uses a series of emoticons (e.g. smiley faces, hearts, flames, and more) in incoming snaps from best friends aka people you connect with the most on Snapchat.
This new feature completely replaces the Best Friends list feature, which was much-talked about because of its privacy concerns. The Best Friends list feature essentially showed both you and the friends the list of people with whom you regularly shared your photos and videos.
Other than that, the updated Snapchat apps forAndroid and iOS have also received two more new features - a low-light camera mode and the Needs Love section.
In the Snapchat camera, users will now notice a crescent moon icon at the top when in a dark environment. This allows users to turn on and off the low-light mode for the camera.