Samsung Electronics has announced the launch of curved televisions in the Indian market. Showcased earlier at the Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas in January this year, the curved TV claims to bring images with deeper depth, wider viewing angle and clearer picture quality with higher contrast levels creating a more immersive viewing experience.
S.K. Kim, Managing Director, Sales at Samsung India says, "In 2014, Samsung is opening a new era of Curved TV with the ultimate immersive viewing experience. With the launch of world's first Curved UHD TV, Samsung is blending its innovative Curved form factor with its UHD TV technology. With this launch, we are further augmenting our robust product portfolio in the home entertainment segment."
Samsung HU9000 Curved UHD TV features 4k picture quality on a curved screen. It has Samsung's proprietary Auto Depth Enhancer, an algorithm that analyzes regions of images and automatically adjusts contrast for a greater sense of depth. This TV is available in 55 inch and 65 inch and is priced at Rs 3,29,900 and Rs 4,49,900 respectively.
The H8000 curved smart LED TV will be available in 55 inch and 48 inch models costing Rs 3,85,900 and 1,62,900 respectively. Samsung has also showcased a 105 inch curved UHDTV with a cinematic 21:9 aspect ratio and 11 million pixels. Samsung plans to launch this TV in the second half of the year, closer to Diwali.
According to Samsung, the market size of panels is expected to be 6.5 million by the end of this year. Curved TV should be able to capture 2 to 5 per cent of this market. Also, in terms of size, 40 inches and above are doing well. In fact, 40 inch is replacing 32 inch TVs.
Samsung launches curved UHDTVs in India - Business Today - Business News