Samsung’s advertising has been pretty aggressive, especially against rival Apple. They even mocked the infamous long lines of people queueing to grab their next iGadget. Samsung Australia actually pulled a stunt where they offered Galaxy S II phones for $2 right outside of Apple’s store. So, when a video of a flashmob waiving signs and chanting “Wake up!” showed up in front of an Australian Apple store, everyone jumped to the assumption that it was the South Korean company that organized it.
Except now Samsung Australia is denying that they had anything to do with it.
So, who was behind it? That’s not clear – there are plenty of companies and groups of people that have a bone to pick with Apple. There’s speculation about who did it, but at this point there’s no solid evidence to point the finger at anyone.
Except now Samsung Australia is denying that they had anything to do with it.
So, who was behind it? That’s not clear – there are plenty of companies and groups of people that have a bone to pick with Apple. There’s speculation about who did it, but at this point there’s no solid evidence to point the finger at anyone.