:tup :new he new Moto E. The company just launched the new version of the Moto E, which is 4G enabled and comes at a price of $149.99, roughly Rs. 9,200. The device runs on a 1.2GHz Snapdragon 410 64-bit quad-core SoC along with 1GB of RAM. Motorola has retained the display resolution at qHD, but the new version has a slightly bigger, 4.5 inch, display. The company has also gone with a bigger 2390 mAh battery this time and the device will run on Android Lollipop out of the box. The device will be launched in India soon, announced Motorola through a press release - See more at: Page Not Found(404) - Digit The new Moto E has a 5MP rear camera and the company has also included the Moto Display feature in it. Lastly, the device has 8GB internal storage, which is expandable to 32GB new
Motorola launches new Moto E with 4G LTE capability | Digit.in
Motorola launches new Moto E with 4G LTE capability | Digit.in