New Delhi: Apart from the Micromax Canvas HD A116i, Micromax silently introduced another smartphone at approximately Rs 8,000. Named the Micromax Canvas Juice A77, the phone has a 5-inch display and runs Android 4.2 Jelly Bean.
It is a dual SIM phone and is powered by a 1.3GHz dual-core processor. The phone has 1GB RAM. The smartphone has a 5 megapixel rear camera and a front VGA camera. The phone has an internal storage space of 4GB. It supports a microSD card up to 32GB.
E-commerce site Homeshop18 is selling the devie for Rs 7,999, while the phone is available on for Rs 8,070.
Source Micromax Canvas Juice A77 with 5-inch display available online for Rs 7,999-Tech News - IBNLive Mobile
It is a dual SIM phone and is powered by a 1.3GHz dual-core processor. The phone has 1GB RAM. The smartphone has a 5 megapixel rear camera and a front VGA camera. The phone has an internal storage space of 4GB. It supports a microSD card up to 32GB.
E-commerce site Homeshop18 is selling the devie for Rs 7,999, while the phone is available on for Rs 8,070.
Source Micromax Canvas Juice A77 with 5-inch display available online for Rs 7,999-Tech News - IBNLive Mobile