LG, the world's second biggest makers of TVs, said that India will be manufacturing base for its globally cheapest LED TVs and these would be priced under Rs 10,000. The company sees high potential for low cost LEDs in emerging markets including India. The product is being developed in R&D centres in Korea as well as India.
India is traditionally a CRT and market and is moving rapidly towards slimmer LCD/ LED TVs.
Currently, Toshiba offers LED TVs under Rs 10,000. While LG sells it for Rs. 12,500 and Samsung sells at Rs. 13,500.
India is traditionally a CRT and market and is moving rapidly towards slimmer LCD/ LED TVs.
Currently, Toshiba offers LED TVs under Rs 10,000. While LG sells it for Rs. 12,500 and Samsung sells at Rs. 13,500.