The Indian Premier League (IPL) will not be streamed online on YouTube this year: Times Internet has tied up with STAR India for digital distribution this time. STAR will provide streaming and video on demand content on, the Star Sports app, and on mobile operator services powered by Star Sports. Times Internet will distribute IPL streaming and video on demand on its cricket destination on web and mobile, powered by a video player. Both companies will market the services, but what’s interesting here is that Star India will be solely responsible for advertising sales.
Times Internet claims that last year, IPL witnessed a 56% growth in unique visitors online , with over 200 million video views on BoxTV and YouTube. However, as per data released by the company last year, IPL had recorded “a 52% growth viewership over 2012 (75.2M vs 49.3M last year), and the combined viewership of users watching highlights and clips had increased by 480% growth in watch hours over 2012.
IPL Won’t Be On YouTube In 2014; STARSports Makes A Play - MediaNama
Times Internet claims that last year, IPL witnessed a 56% growth in unique visitors online , with over 200 million video views on BoxTV and YouTube. However, as per data released by the company last year, IPL had recorded “a 52% growth viewership over 2012 (75.2M vs 49.3M last year), and the combined viewership of users watching highlights and clips had increased by 480% growth in watch hours over 2012.
IPL Won’t Be On YouTube In 2014; STARSports Makes A Play - MediaNama