From cricbuzz, this would still not ensure that teams don’t keep bidding higher to reduce other purses using the leverage of RTM cards:
The highest bidder will be given one final opportunity to raise their bid for a player before the team holding the RTM card can exercise their right. For example, if Team 1 holds the RTM for Player X and Team 2 has placed the highest bid of Rs. 6 Cr, then Team 1 will be first asked if they will exercise RTM, if Team 1 agrees, then Team 2 will have the chance to increase their bid. If Team 2 raises their bid to Rs. 9 Cr, then Team 1 can use the RTM and acquire Player X for INR 9 Cr. If Team 2 chooses not to raise the bid and keeps it at Rs.6 Cr, Team1 can use the RTM and get Player X for Rs.6 Cr