Apple on Tuesday released the latest Ap
Store Distribution figures, revealing that
iOS 8 now powers 72 percent of active
iOS devices including iPhone, iPad and
iPod touch users.
The company updated its App Store
Distribution page to show the OS
distribution data of App Store visitors on
February 2, split between iOS 8 , iOS 7
and earlier iOS versions. The official App
Store Distribution page reveals that the
majority (72 percent) of active iOS
devices are running iOS 8, followed by 2
percent still running iOS 7, and 3 percen
still running earlier versions.

Notably, the new figures if compared to
Apple's last figures published last mont
show a minor increase in iOS 8 adoption
numbers. In January, Apple said 68
percent of active iOS devices were
running iOS 8, while 29 percent were on
iOS 7, and 4 percent on previous
versions. Last month, the Cupertino
based giant also released an OTA update
dubbed iOS 8.1.3 that reduced amount
of free space required for update and
brought other fixes.
9to5mac citing an analytics firm points
out that iOS 8 despite powering majority
of iOS devices has an adoption rate that
is slower compared to iOS 7 a year ago.
According to Mixpanel, during the same
period a year ago iOS 7 powered 85
percent of active iOS devices.
Mixpanel reports iOS 8 adoption figures
that are close to Apple's own - saying
that iOS 8 powers 72.78 percent of
devices, iOS 7 still runs on 25.01 percent
devices and older versions powering 2.2
percent iOS devices, at the time of
Apple recently revealed that it sold 74.5
million iPhone units in Q4 while also
confirmed that its billionth iOS device wa
sold in November.
The latest figures revealed by Apple
definitely show a rise in iOS 8 powered
devices in less than six months. It took
Google's Android 5.0 Lollipop more than
three months to reach 1.6 percent of the
worldwide users, according to Google's
own figures shared in February .