At an event held in Delhi, HTC has launched new smartpones – Desire 816G Dual SIM and the much-talked about Desire 820 .
The Desire 820 will be available in two variants and both will ship during the Indian festive season, around November.
The 816G Dual SIM priced at Rs 18,990 is expected to ship in October. There is no word on the pricing for the Desire 820 or 820q.
The Desire 816G dual SIM is said to be a cheaper version of the Desire 816 and comes with the same 5.5-inch display with 1280 x 720 pixels of resolution.
It is powered by a 1.3GHz quad-core processor coupled with 1GB RAM.
Read more at: HTC launches Desire 820, 820q and 816G smartphones in India Tech2 Mobile
The Desire 820 will be available in two variants and both will ship during the Indian festive season, around November.
The 816G Dual SIM priced at Rs 18,990 is expected to ship in October. There is no word on the pricing for the Desire 820 or 820q.
The Desire 816G dual SIM is said to be a cheaper version of the Desire 816 and comes with the same 5.5-inch display with 1280 x 720 pixels of resolution.
It is powered by a 1.3GHz quad-core processor coupled with 1GB RAM.
Read more at: HTC launches Desire 820, 820q and 816G smartphones in India Tech2 Mobile