Seeking Help How to stop phone calls from banks offering lone.

Shantanu Upadhyay

7 Jan 2018
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Hey guys I am fed up of phone calls from different banks offering different kinds of loans (especially home loan), plz help me guys to stop such calls on my number.
I am getting at least 2 to 3 such calls daily from different banks.
DND is also activated in my number.
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no way......if u get sms/call from registered telemarketers on your full dnd number then also on complain u get answer that call/sms was not promotional in nature or call /sms record or details not found or call/sms details were incomplete. Law makers are basically law breaker....and they are there to save law breakers.
1. Activate DND, which u already have.
2. Use true caller.
3. When the agents call you ask them to delete ur number from their database, so that you won't get calls again from same bank/agency.
4. You may write an email to Customer Service of any one or every bank citing deletion of ur mobile number from their promotional database.
Check u r DND services full activated or not...? @
For registering option using SMS, for 'fully blocked category', write "START 0" and send it to 1909. For 'partially blocked category', send SMS 'START' with one or multiple options from the list of seven categories.
Below is a list of category numbers.
  1. Banking/Insurance/Financial products/credit cards
  2. Real Estate
  3. Education
  4. Health
  5. Consumer goods and automobiles
  6. Communication/Broadcasting/Entertainment/IT
  7. Tourism and Leisure
USE DND 2.0 app from playstore after register on app with u r mobile no. report spam calls & SMS thru this app to TRAI :-
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