Asus has launched the PadFone mini (PF400CG) in India. It has a 4-inch (800 x 480 pixels) smartphone that docks into a 7-inch (1280 x 800 pixels) Padfone station. It is powered by 1.6 GHz dual-core Intel Atom (Z2560) processor and runs on Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean). It has a 8-megapixel rear camera and a 2-megapixel front-facing camera. It comes with dual SIM support.
Asus PadFone mini specifications
4-inch (800×480 pixels) IPS+ display
7-inch (1280×800 pixels) IPS+ display (Padfone station)
Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean), upgradable to Android 4.4 (KitKat)
1.6 GHz dual-core Intel Atom (Z2560) processor with PowerVR SGX 544MP2 GPU
1GB RAM, 8GB internal memory, micro SD card slot (supports up to 64GB)
8MP camera with LED flash
2MP front-facing camera
Dual SIM
Dimensions: 124.42 x 61.44 x 11.2 mm; Weight: 116 (Phone)
Dimensions: 199.85 x 119.43 x 13.91 mm; Weight: 260 (Padfone station)
3G HSPA+, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, WiFi Direct, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS, aGPS and GLONASS
1200mAh battery (in phone)
2100mAh battery (in Padfone station)
The Asus PadFone mini comes in Black and White colors and is priced at Rs. 15999. According to Flipkart’s teaser, the PadFone mini should go on sale on Flipkart soon
Asus PadFone mini specifications
4-inch (800×480 pixels) IPS+ display
7-inch (1280×800 pixels) IPS+ display (Padfone station)
Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean), upgradable to Android 4.4 (KitKat)
1.6 GHz dual-core Intel Atom (Z2560) processor with PowerVR SGX 544MP2 GPU
1GB RAM, 8GB internal memory, micro SD card slot (supports up to 64GB)
8MP camera with LED flash
2MP front-facing camera
Dual SIM
Dimensions: 124.42 x 61.44 x 11.2 mm; Weight: 116 (Phone)
Dimensions: 199.85 x 119.43 x 13.91 mm; Weight: 260 (Padfone station)
3G HSPA+, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, WiFi Direct, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS, aGPS and GLONASS
1200mAh battery (in phone)
2100mAh battery (in Padfone station)
The Asus PadFone mini comes in Black and White colors and is priced at Rs. 15999. According to Flipkart’s teaser, the PadFone mini should go on sale on Flipkart soon