Discussion Is it high time government regulate smartphone usage for children?

  • Thread starter iDJ
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23 Aug 2018
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I came across this horrifying article on Times of India where a children are plotting to murder parent on denying access to smartphones. This is not the first time I've have read about such incidents. Seeing kids try to elope, marry off or kill themselves for a smartphone. Some do due to unable to afford one for studies. Others are straight up addicts of short videos and online games.

Pandemic here is used as an excuse saying that smartphone usages among children have increased because of this which I think is nonsense. During pandemic there was proper usage. Because most of the time it was used for good cause like education. Even before pandemic children were glued to screens. Pandemic just legitimate their usage.

You might be wondering why I want government to regulate instead of parents. That's because I know Indian parenting are some of the worst parents when it comes to parenting in the world. Just shed a tear or two. You will get pretty much all you want. As good as how parent would give you stuff. They will also take it away instantly from you without any empathy about your addiction. Hence the murderous thoughts. Than there is neglect among lower sections of the society who would rather let kids play on their phones over signing up for some extra classes or buy them sporting equipment as they can't afford them. Even working class parents fills their void of absence with smartphones. This is still normal stuff. Let's not forget that parents themselves are addicts. From clicking selfies every moment of the day to waking up to a smartphone with goodmorning messages. So parents are the least helpful to stop children from becoming addicts.

What government can do? Get strict this time. Just like China regulate apps and gaming companies. Set time frame on gaming apps. Remember you got to take harsh steps to get rid of any form of addiction. If there is war on drugs. There should be a stop on smartphones. Remember that smartphone addiction is somewhat comparable to drug addiction. But unlike drug addiction there is no rehab center or support system for screen addiction. You will feel discouraging as you will see every other person using something you are supposed to stay away from. It's regulation that can stop us from losing a generation to screens.

Sorry for this long rant or essay. Please share ideas what can be done to reduce screentime among our children.
Before pandemic, the most I used to use my phone was maybe 2 hours/day
During pandemic especially in 2021 I used mobile around 12-14 hours/day
As a result my eye power increased from -2.50 to -4.50
Somehow I have reduced phone usage to 5/6 hours now

It can cause problems not only for children but also for adults
Excessive phone use increases stress
There is no coincidence between heavy smartphone usage and depression. As smartphone usage increases seemingly due to fake photo media, depression also increases and vice versa. Its high time everyone should keep a track of his/her smartphone usage to lead and live a happy life. I feel as long as trash apps like instagram,snapchat are available, depression will stay there. People are so addicted to these apps and they spend countless hours on these garbages and see the carefully edited photos with absolutely no flaws and compare these with their life and it ultimately pushes them to depression.
Only way I see is to keep them engaged in some other things. I am sure there are so many other things people can do. I myself find this trick to be very helpful. Unconsciously everything we do on a repeated basis becomes an habit. People should be clear on what they want, why they want it and what they should do to get them. I am sure smartphone addiction is not one.
Personally i feel that of parents can't control the usage of smartphones by their kids than why we should they expect govt. to do so.A part of problem lies with families getting more nuclear day by day.There are hardly few families who are living with their extended families.In older days there were always some Grandmother or aunties to take care of kids if their mother's were busy with something.Now with Nuclear families and highly busy life the only way parents keep kids happy is to let them use phones and do whatever they want to do.Parents now a days don't have time for kids.
Absolutely not. This is the fault and responsibility of parents and not the govt.
Absolutely not. This is the fault and responsibility of parents and not the govt.
When parents themselves are screen addicts. It's government job to regulate specially when it comes to gaming companies. Limiting timeframe helps. Like you can't play a game after a hour or two. Chinese already has this mechanism.
When parents themselves are screen addicts. It's government job to regulate specially when it comes to gaming companies. Limiting timeframe helps. Like you can't play a game after a hour or two. Chinese already has this mechanism.
There are many things which parents used to do but stop doing in front of kids.It is responsibility of parents to either make kids understand that a habit should be taken at a particular age or they themselves have to stop doing so,so that kids also don't do so.My elder brother was an avid gamer but when he saw my nephew taking special interest in games involving guns/violence he stopped playing.This is just a small sacrifice but is necessary sometimes.
When parents themselves are screen addicts. It's government job to regulate specially when it comes to gaming companies. Limiting timeframe helps. Like you can't play a game after a hour or two. Chinese already has this mechanism.
Adults can do whatever they choose to do. Its their responsibility either way in their homes with their own kids.
Adults can do whatever they choose to do. Its their responsibility either way in their homes with their own kids.
In that logic they must get away with abuses too because it happens inside their home. Remember health is a state subject too.
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