ya its better..bcoz win 8 is still in preliminary stage and many people are facing device driver problems, same as we faced when win 7 was in test phase... Its better not to upgrade to win 8 now. When officially win 8 will be out as DVD in market as OS, and win 8 drivers for all devices will be available for download, then one should upgrade to Win 8, thats what i feel.
For test purpose now you can use Win 8, as everyone are very keen to have a feel about the new OS...
Linux is an open source OS and all work in IT industry including server maintenance is done on Linux platform, better install Linux and learn about it, it will help you a lot in future too
@SS you can go for Live CD/DVD of Ubuntu or Fedora. No installation needed.
Use live CD/DVD to check if you are comfortable with linux & install later when needed.
SS has a brand new lappy and a good config desktop i guess... Live cd takes a long time to boot sometimes and also if the cd is scratched etc then more problems and more load on the RAM to load the OS.... Go for virtualization...
First, download a Fedora ISO image.
If you want to boot from live CD ... make a CD by following this
Follow this for boot from USB drive
Boot from CD or USB and follow instruction. Choose to boot linux without installation.