Discussion Blockchain tech's - News & Updates

Detective Conan

28 Apr 2018
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Blockchain is mainly used in cryptocurrency, it is a distributed ledger technology , the tech could be used other type of uses for property registering , sales , unique data and for each transaction and game , ip , etc . considering it would be also used for protecting against document tampering as it records each data updated on top of other and gives unique hashcode for each transaction , doesn't allow delete info unless previous user agrees and even record is made what information update at what time .

this thread would be used for posting news related to block chain tech news and updates . as companies have also started using blockchain for their own customize use the use for the particular company product or service/app could be posted in that thread and general info regarding that company use of blockchain tech could be posted here. this thread for deep understanding how blockchain tech works and its uses and impact on other technology uses.
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