Marvel Studios Echo | Disney+ | Coming Soon


27 Mar 2021
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During Marvel Studios' 2021 Disney+ Day Special — which is currently streaming exclusively on Disney+ — it was revealed that Marvel Studios’ Echo will be coming soon to the platform.

The series stars Alaqua Cox as Maya Lopez, a character who will be introduced in Marvel Studios’ Hawkeye

After months and months of speculation, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has found its Daredevil. As part of the press tour for Spider-Man: No Way Home, Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige has confirmed Charlie Cox is the franchise's Matt Murdock should he return at some point in the future of the MCU. This is Feige's first official comment on the casting after a massive fan movement aiming for the actor—who played the lawyer in three seasons of a series on Netflix—to return.

"If you were to see Daredevil in upcoming things, Charlie Cox, yes, would be the actor playing Daredevil," Feige told CinemaBlend Sunday. "Where we see that, how we see that, when we see that, remains to be seen."

He is officially back.. Charlie Cox is Daredevil in MCU as well... There are very strong rumours/ reports that he is part of Echo and She-Hulk and Spider-Man :No Way Home... Couldn't wait for him at all..
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